Michele Dobbs

Michele Dobbs

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Resources that will have you geeking out about history!

So I know I am among a small population of people and especially students (especially being a girl) who get super excited about history and social science. Over the past few years I have been compiling different websites and resources that I will be able to use in a classroom and share with my fellow History Buffs. Here is just some of my favorites:

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution 
It's Too Late to Apologize...Declaration Style. I love using this video in a classroom because it is still a current enough song that students can relate too but then it also shows history in a fun way that captures the students attention. Knowing how dry and boring history can be for some students, especially those who love math and science, this gives them a nice little break from the norm in a history classroom.

Here is the Amendments of the Constitution in a parody of Gangam Style that some students put together. Some students will probably think it is not the greatest but I really enjoyed it!
I LOVE CRASH COURSE and JOHN GREEN! I watch his crash courses all the time and highly recommend watching or having students watch his videos for a quick review after a section! Here is one of the webisodes on the Constitution.
 From the makers of the Too Late to Apologize, they did it again but this time about Women's Suffrage! 

A five minute video of all the wars. The bigger the war and most casualties involved gives a bigger explosion. I think the music also adds a nice touch!

I really like using pictures when teaching history so I sometimes am able to find some nice pictures from Retronaut. 

More to come....